Interface WaitStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • waitFor

        long waitFor​(long sequence,
                     Sequence cursor,
                     Sequence dependentSequence,
                     SequenceBarrier barrier)
              throws AlertException,
        Wait for the given sequence to be available. It is possible for this method to return a value less than the sequence number supplied depending on the implementation of the WaitStrategy. A common use for this is to signal a timeout. Any EventProcessor that is using a WaitStrategy to get notifications about message becoming available should remember to handle this case. The BatchEventProcessor explicitly handles this case and will signal a timeout if required.
        sequence - to be waited on.
        cursor - the main sequence from ringbuffer. Wait/notify strategies will need this as it's the only sequence that is also notified upon update.
        dependentSequence - on which to wait.
        barrier - the processor is waiting on.
        the sequence that is available which may be greater than the requested sequence.
        AlertException - if the status of the Disruptor has changed.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted.
        TimeoutException - if a timeout occurs before waiting completes (not used by some strategies)
      • signalAllWhenBlocking

        void signalAllWhenBlocking()
        Implementations should signal the waiting EventProcessors that the cursor has advanced.