Interface TransactionResponse.TransactionMetadata

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface TransactionResponse.TransactionMetadata
    Represents metadata associated with a transaction on the Solana blockchain. This interface provides detailed information about the transaction, such as errors, fees, balances, log messages, rewards, and more.
    • Method Detail

      • getErr

        java.lang.Object getErr()
        Returns any error information associated with the transaction. If the transaction was successful, this method returns null; otherwise, it returns an object representing the error.
        an object representing the error, or null if the transaction was successful
      • getFee

        long getFee()
        Returns the fee paid for processing the transaction. The fee is deducted in lamports, which are the smallest unit of SOL.
        the transaction fee in lamports
      • getInnerInstructions

        java.util.List<TransactionResponse.InnerInstruction> getInnerInstructions()
        Returns a list of inner instructions executed within the transaction. Inner instructions are additional program invocations that occur as part of the transaction.
        a list of TransactionResponse.InnerInstruction objects representing the inner instructions
      • getLogMessages

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLogMessages()
        Returns the log messages generated during the transaction. These messages can provide insights into the execution of the transaction, including program-specific logging.
        a list of log messages as strings
      • getPreBalances

        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> getPreBalances()
        Returns a list of balances before the transaction was processed. Each balance corresponds to an account involved in the transaction, represented in lamports.
        a list of pre-transaction balances in lamports
      • getPostBalances

        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> getPostBalances()
        Returns a list of balances after the transaction was processed. Each balance corresponds to an account involved in the transaction, represented in lamports.
        a list of post-transaction balances in lamports
      • getComputeUnitsConsumed

        long getComputeUnitsConsumed()
        Returns the number of compute units consumed during the transaction's execution. Compute units represent the computational resources used to process the transaction.
        the number of compute units consumed
      • getStatus

        java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getStatus()
        Returns the transaction status, including the status type and message. The status provides additional information on whether the transaction was successful and any related messages.
        a Map.Entry containing the status type as the key and the status message as the value